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Unsafe to inhale at 1600?

( or, The stench of Clinton lingers at the White House? )

While then President Bill Clinton's last hour commutations and pardons showed his utter disregard for the rule of law and were extremely obvious idealogical and political payback vehicles for past services rendered and silence maintained; Clinton's last minute Executive Orders were similarly targetted to please the socialist left, to hinder the incoming new administration with an eye to electing a Democrat as president in 2004 with the American people's condition be damned and a puny plan to create any legacy for the First Philanderer other than his sexual deviancy!

In one of his last dictatorial acts, the despot Clinton attempted to grab even more acreage in a disingenuous effort to land a legacy. Besides the land grabs in Czechslofornia and Utah, designed to build a legacy on the backs of the unemployed in the minerals extraction industry and to help his fellow campaign finance law breaker James Riady's asian coal business, who received a virtual pardon from the Clinton Justice Department litterally days before they were run out of town, being able to pay for his crimes in dollars instead of years in prison; Clinton attempted to annex Governor's Island from the state of New York. Clinton's exercise of the Antiquities Act to create still another National Monument, utilizing some meelie-mouthed excuse about the War of 1812 and the two forts Castle Williams and Fort Jay preserved there, was met with a swift and immediate Directive shortly after Bush's inauguration, by White House chief of staff Andrew Card which effectively suspended a series of last-minute Clinton actions, including the one on Governor's Island. New York state will thus be allowed to do what they want with their own land and not be trumped by the federal goverment musings of a fleeing tin plated dictator with delusions of grandeur looking to make his paragraph in the history books read less like pornography!

Besides commuting the sentences of and pardoning an Arkansas hayride full of criminals and cronies, Clinton also tried to move left and lefter with a series of extreme socialistic slaps in the face to the moderates who helped him pass the centrist legislation he could through the GOP controlled Congress since 1994 disguised as Executive Orders. Clinton tried to socialize a portion of the health care sector rejected as the so-called Hillarycare debacle and to impose Al Gore-like environmentalist tree hugger whacko regulations by issuing orders which would have included new Medicare guidelines and draconian EPA environmental protections which would have bankrupted American automobile manufacturers and ranchers. These issues included severe restrictions on automobile emmissions, environmental restrictions on runoff from animal feeding operations and more than 800 pages of new guidelines for managed care programs under Medicare baring a striking resemblence to failed state run socialized medical plans from Canada to England and France to Italy. They were all addressed immediately by the Bush administration order to stay their implimentation.

White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card's Directive imposes a blanket moratorium that would prevent any new rules from being printed in the Federal Register, unless specifically approved by the incoming Bush administration. It also ordered all the federal agency heads to withdraw any proposed regulations that have already been sent to the Federal Register but have not yet been printed ( appeared ). This action essentially blocks the most recent of Clinton's executive orders, because most rules cannot take effect until a certain time after their publication in the Federal Register, but not older ones. It also puts a 60-day delay on any newer regulations already printed in the Federal Register but have not yet taken effect!

George W. Bush, sworn in as our 43rd president, was kind to the exitting non-inhaler, only mentioning a subtle reference to character in his inaugural speech. In his campaign he had pledged to restore the dignity he believed Clinton had removed or rendered invisible from the White House. Bush mentioned, " America, at its best, is a place where personal responsibility is valued and expected, ", then added a direct condemnation, " Our public interest depends on private character ". President Bush even went so far Saturday as to sign an order establishing ethical standards for his new administration, including language like, " maintain the highest standards of integrity "; the direct opposite of Clinton waiving orders which keep White House employees from lobbying Congress for a number of years after they leave 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, leaving them open to get massive salaries and kickbacks from all those far left wing liberal special interest groups we have grown so fond of ( to have utter contempt for ) over the last eight years!

Like rats that escaped the exterminator looking for somewhere to hide until they have left, the Clintons scurry like vermin away from the light; but the Liar-in-chief was quick to declare the old ' I'll be back ', at Andrews Airforce Base, " I left the White House, but I'm still here...we're not going anywhere ". Oh please; go find a ( Little ) Rock to go crawl under!

As a last act of political payola defiance, the exiting Clintons put gifts on a bridal registry prior to Hillary being sworn in as senator ( I use the term extremely lightly ) from the state ( and I use that term very lightly as well ) of New York ( insanity? ) for their left wing cronies and so-called friends to buy or pay them back for ' quid pro quo ' services rendered. This really stinks up the Senate cloak room, where Mrs. Clinton may or may not be practising her plastic Chihuahua in the automobile rear window head bobbing routine. The morally bankrupt, socialist leaning, Clinton duet of damnation to decency are looking more and more like Idi Amin Dada and Emelda Marcos, as their stench moves from the White House to the Senate leaving an obvious snail trail in it's wake.

It feels so good to have an ethical conservative individual back in the White House, after eight years of the most unethical and corrupt adminstration in the history of the United States of America!

- Bongo ( Spray more disinfectant? )


Just so I can have a bit of closure and move on from Bill Clinton ( to Hillary? ), let me get these off my chest.

DUCK these: Doctor Marx will see you now. ( 7-12-98 ), The New Untouchables. ( 8-3-98 ), Clinton Far Worse Than Nixon! ( 9-18-98 ), Clinton Stormtroopers Attack! ( 10-3-98 ), Clinton Throws Impeachment Party? ( 12-21-98 ), Political Correctness From Hell! ( 12-24-98 ), Bongo's Thesaurus: A Synonym DNCtionary? ( 1-23-99 ), The Birth of The American Dictatorship. ( 1-28-99 ), Democrats Chew Their Republican Cud? ( 2-6-99 ), Once Upon A Time...Only In America? ( 2-15-99 ), The Power of Positive Raping? ( 2-25-99 ), Disarmament Liberals Attack Firearms Industry. ( 2-27-99 ), Clinton White House Backs Nazi Butchers From World War II! ( 4-2-99 ), Executive Disorder? ( 4-9-99 ), Slick Willie And The Falsehood Factory. ( 4-25-99 ), Clinton Gets Full Lewinsky From Sin City? ( 5-17-99 ), Saving Clinton's Privates? ( 6-1-99 ), Kosovar Glossary of ( Military ) Terms? ( 6-15-99 ), The Penultimate Panhandler? ( 6-30-99 ), The Cone of Silence? ( 7-4-99 ), Happy Mussolini's Birthday? ( 7-29-99 ), The Contemptible Clinton ( 7-30-99 ), Clearing the ( gun ) smoke screen! ( 8-12-99 ), FALN Attraction? ( 9-1-99 ), Pardon This! ( 9-12-99 ), Socialist Santa Claus or Panhandler-in-chief? ( 9-19-99 ), Waxing Huang? ( 12-18-99 ), Monuments to The Great American Dictatorship ( 1-12-2000 ), High Tech Equals Low Intellect? ( 1-22-2000 ), When Putsch Comes To Love? ( 2-3-2000 ), The Disarming of America ( 3-20-2000 ), A few FBI files go a long way! ( 5-20-2000 ), The Buck Stops Nowhere? ( 6-22-2000 ), Puppet of The Century? ( 6-23-2000 ), West Wing gags the Academy with Emmy nominations! ( 7-20-2000 ), 50 Years of the United States Presidency oversimplified? ( 8-9-2000 ), (E)chelon of i(MM)oralit(Y) Awards? ( 9-11-2000 ), Send in The Clowns ( 11-9-2000 ), RAT PARDONS ( 12-23-2000 ), and Pardon these? ( 1-24-2001 ) .

These may not be SAFE: Bongo's Drumbeat ( 7-1-98 ), Happiness is a warm gun? ( 7-10-98 ), All Hail The Blonde-haired, Red-lipped, Women of The Right! ( 7-17-98 ), Happy Nagasaki Day ( 8-9-98 ), I could forgive Bill Clinton if... ( 8-13-98 ), To err is human, to Clinton is a crime. ( 10-12-98 ), House Impeachment Circus Begins. ( 11-10-98 ), Big Brother Bubba is Watching You? ( 12-6-98 ), Clinton begs Santa for censure? ( 12-13-98 ), Puppet, Marionette, now Mannequin? ( 1-30-99 ), St. Valentine's Sunday Massacre? ( 2-14-99 ), Croatian Muslim Nazi Sympathizers ( 4-2-99 ), Little Rock And Roll-over! ( 4-12-99 ), The Red China Syndrome? ( 5-25-99 ), Report This: The Overview? ( 6-5-99 ), Is It Safe On The Endangered Species List? ( 7-2-99 ), Deficit Gifting? ( 8-10-99 ), FAL(n)ACY? ( 9-5-99 ), Bored By Al Gore's Bull! ( 12-19-99 ), Wag Y2K? ( 1-1-2000 ), Wag The Census? ( 4-1-2000 ), Questions Answers And Allegations ( 5-25-2000 ), The Liberal Social Experiment Has Failed. ( 6-11-2000 ), Day of the Woman(izer)? ( 8-15-2000 ), Clinton Drops America's Pants? ( 9-2-2000 ), This is not the government our Founding Fathers wanted; it's an insane asylum! ( 11-4-2000 ) and Clinton's legacy seeps into the substrata of American society like so much toxic waste! ( 11-18-2000 ) .

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Is it really safe in here?
Updated ( 1-26-2001 )
(c)2001 Bongo.

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