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(E)chelon of i(MM)oralit(Y) Awards?

( The Emmy Awards have become a socialist Democrat propaganda affair! )

Sunday night, September 10, 2000 the Hollywood socialist elite held their best of the Democrat party proganda awards show. Though there seemed to be fewer numbers of women revealing borderline pornographic amounts of skin in their skimpy clothes, the sheer amount of skin showing made up for the smaller numbers of ' showers '. Appearances aside, the MEDIA, ORGANIZED CRIME and BIG CENTRAL GOVERNMENT have finally meshed together into ONE VAST PROPAGNDA ORGAN; as illustrated by last night's totally predictable Emmy Awards show/Democrat National Committee outreach event.

The two most heavily nominated shows, with the nominations submitted by the show's own producecrs and not fans or even a faux real academy, were the Sopranos and the West Wing. The had very different awards outcomes; nine being winged and only one sung. Anyone who has forgotten how I feel about the liberal political propanganda puff piece, called West Wing, can read these: West Wing = Left Wing ( 2-16-2000 ) and West Wing gags the Academy with Emmy nominations! ( 7-20-2000 ) .

OUT was the sweet, though usually sickeningly so, ultra-rich Hollywood fatcat crowd love-in awarding everything to Frazier ( did they finally realize that someone who snorted cocaine and flipped his Viper upside-down is not a good role model for the kids they want to addict to senselessly violent video games and programming? ) and IN was the political propaganda crowd, starring organized crime bosses and liberal democRAT presidents. I suppose it should have been obvious that the heavily union friendly and organized crime polluted DNC would team(ster) up with the hedonistic Hollywood drug buying ( from the organized crime dealers, ofcourse ) elite to hammer away at the LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATORS WATCHING THE IDIOT BOX ( on cable or broadcast ).

Now that we have glorified being a common criminal in organized crime and a soft cushy dictatorial White House in a banana republic; where are we left to go? At least the sound mixer from the West Wing didn't win the award in his category, as he was fired half way through the first year of filming; but he was still nominated by the show's producers for an Emmy ( I SMELL A BIG FAT COMMIE RAT ), so as not to play second fiddle to the Sopranos in numbers of nominations received ( from themselves )!

The liberal socialist elite are now fully embracing the moral relativism of a world where you can do no wrong and nobody bears any personal responsibility for their own actions, where they and their friends, like the voice in the Outer Limits intro, CONTROL ALL THAT WE SEE AND HEAR. The usual laughable hedonistic Hollywood hula-hoop crowd have been subverted by the HARD CORE EXTREME LEFT WING POLITICAL CAMPAIGN PROPAGANDA PIGS! Don't be fooled by this PROFESSIONAL PROPAGANDA FROM THE LEFT, masquerading as innocent television programming. Question authority; believe your OWN EYES and don't believe the MEDIA's LIES!

- Bongo ( Defend your Fabian socialist buddies? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Duck and cover...

Updated ( 9-11-2000 )
(c)2000 Bongo.

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