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West Wing = Left Wing

NBC defiles the highest office in the land!

The extreme left wing liberal Hollywood establishment has outdone itself this time. If there was ever any doubt how sickeningly knee-jerk liberal this crowd really is, the NBC television show " West Wing " illustrates it perfectly. The show is about a dysfunctional liberal Democrat president and contained themes concerning sexual deviancy and drug addiction. All former United States Presidents before 1992 should be sickened by this debasement of our most precious office in the land!

The one show I was able to watch from start to finish had a deviant sexual plot concerning a White House staffer who had a fling with a high-priced prostitute. Two future attempts on my part to watch the show resulted in me almost losing my lunch without having an airsickness bag at the ready. My last attempt was aborted before it even started as I saw a promo of the President collapsing in the Oval Office from some drug induced trauma and that made me too disgusted to watch. I would advise anyone who wants to try to stomach this poor excuse for a night-time soap opera/drama to consume an extra large dose of dramamine before turning on the set!

I believe this ' Clintonization ' of the White House on television is the National Socialist Wing of The Democrat Party's way to introduce us to their hedonistic lifestyle, which they would like the rest of the country to embrace. This is the stuff that led to the fall of the Roman Empire, featuring such memorable sicknesses as the Emperor Tiberius and his " Little Fishies ".

Martin Sheen plays the President and spends little time on the screen; it seemed like less than two minutes but I didn't happen to have a stop watch handy. I was reminded of the old movie " The Dead Zone ", where in Martin Sheen plays a President who shields himself from an assassin's bullet with an infant ( I assume this is a continuation of that character? ).

I didn't see the show in question, and I don't plan any time soon to watch this disgusting defilement of the office of the presidency of the United States again, but I heard Judicial Watch's Larry Klayman on the radio talk show " Talk Back ", hosted by George Putnam, describe a particular episode which mimmicked him with a character named Larry Klaypool from Freedom Watch. Evidently, the show paints less than a pretty picture of Larry and the West Wing cronies talk about squashing him like a bug, or something to that effect. Obviously, someone in the limelight should be able to take a little heat, but this takes it a bit too far. It is really sad when the Hollywood Lefties use their access to the media to bash someone who is as dedicated to the truth as Larry Klayman is, just because the liars and the criminals happen to be liberal Democrats!

I knew it was only a matter of time before the democRATS began to use their positions of power in the movies and television to put forth their sick liberal agenda!

- Bongo ( Fall mountain; just don't fall on me? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

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Updated ( 2-16-2000 )
(c)2000 Bongo.

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