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( or, On a Goregious day in Washington D.C. the DemocRAT Black Caucus stinks up a joint session of Congress? )

January 6, 2001 was supposed to be the day Texas Governor George W. Bush would become the official president-elect of the United States of America, but instead it has become a day to remember in defining the vile viciously partisan nature of the morally bankrupt House Democrat Black Caucus. While Vice President Al Gore had to swallow his pride and announce Bush as the next president-elect, the way a non-sour grapes crying Richard Nixon did in 1960 for JFK, the Congrssional Black Caucus made utter imbeciles of themselves, as they paraded their ignorance in mass for all the country and cable television watching world to see, in extreme partisan DIRTYcRAT style!

While the DIRTYcRATS fell in lockstep behind each other, feeding off the partisan political group grope du'jour begun by rabid dog attack democrRAT Peter Deutsche of Florida, their precious heir apparent of just a few short months ago fell on his proverbial sword in announcing the electoral vote tally declaring George W. Bush the next POTUS. Al Gore, flanked by the GOP Speaker of The House of Representitives, presided over the ceremony in stiff dimpled chad envy. The President of Vice's assistant was to calmly echo the validity of each state's electoral count after a short disruption by the DIRTYcRATS still unwilling to accept Bush as their president and in utter disbelief that the Gore vote manufacturing process in Florida was exposed for the ballot theft election fraud it was quickly becoming!

Like the vicious DIRTYcRAT junkyard dog he has been trained to be by the DNC, Florida Democrat Representitve Peter Deutsche tried to obstruct, delay or disrupt the tally before it began with a frivilous contest that was not seconded by the needed Unted States senator ( not even by Denise Rodman? ). This piece of work illustrates perfectly what is wrong with the morally bankrupt, win at all costs, Democrat Party. There are many Democrats who will not buy in to this partisan political scheme to ruin the next four years at the expense of the people of America, but the stench of Deutsche and his DIRTYcRAT National Socialist Wing of the Democrat Party reaches all the way to Miami Beach!

The only moment of levity came when California GOP Representitive Bill Thomas hesitated while reading ( counting ) the Delaware document. As he seemed to scrutinize the sheet of paper, someone shouted, ala' Palm Beach County ballot divination, " Hold it up to the light ". This comment was greeted by a fair amount of laughter?

When the tally reached the state of Florida, Deutsche's chief partner in slime, Democrat ( DIRTYcRAT ) Representitive of Florida Alcee Hastings, an impeached judge ( go figure...only in the Democrat Party? ) was crude and rude as he began a sleazy parade of RAT DROPPINGS carrying political partisanship to a new low level in offering more frivilous contests which didn't carry the necessary signature of a senator.

The first RAT PARADE of conscienceless objectors included these DIRTYcRAT RODENTS, mostly from the CONGRESSIONAL BLACK RAT CAUCUS, as well as Deutsche and Hastings: Carrie Meek of Florida; Corrine Brown of Florida; Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas; Elijah Cummings; Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas; Maxine Waters of California who cried sour grapes loudly like she was a psycho on crack using words like, " fraudulent ". and screaming like a maniac; Barbara Lee; Cynthia McKinney; Patsy Mink of Hawaii and Eva Clayton. These folks were all treated to mass moans and groans by even their own fellow Democrats!

Seemingly having not made enough of a fool of herself to feel satisfied Cynthia McKinney came back for seconds at the buffet of broken dreams and promises. She managed to stink up the podium when I thought it could smell no worse. Czechslofornia RAT Representitive Bob Filner had to object to the unobjectible, though he added his voice to the support chorus line of extreme left wing whiners pushing and shoving to be the first to show their lack of humanity, decency or integrity. QUEEN RAT ( The RATS haven't crowned Mrs. Clinton QUEEN yet? ) Maxine Waters came back ( but not for the last time ) like the black racist ghetto trash she is, giving decent colored folks deserving of our respect a bad example to follow, to further try to make a mockery of our government and more than a complete fool of herself, though she was to come back again to make sure there was no doubt to her complete lack of a code of ethics or morality and her complete selfishness. As the Waters receded, the moans and groans increased as PRINCESS RAT Sheila Jackson Lee, who would not let her have the last word of self-destructive pontification, slithered back to the podium again leaving a visible snail trial of slime.

RAT Representitive Jesse Jackson Jr. finally could not control himself any longer and stepped to the podium in a puny plan to create a liberal news media-like political talking head shouting match environment in the House of Representitives. This was not to be, as the combined representitves and senators moaned and groaned to the accompanyment of Al Gore chastising the Louis Farakhan wannabe for not having a valid objection.

Amazingly, Alcee Hastings came back in a more controlled manner and demeanor to ask if any of the rulings against their objections were open for appeal? Just when I thought it was over, the inner city Waters from South Central LA leaked up again in an over flowing sewer-like fashion. This time she was not allowed to cause a big scene, though Al Gore seemed to enjoy her putrid performance and a few RATS SQUEAKED WITH GLEE? Finally, Jesse Jackson Jr. tried the tired old objection thing again, but he was shouted down loudly this time by the audience!

Vice President Al Gore had to dismiss all of these PARTISAN DIRTYcRAT LAUGHING STOCKS for not having the signature of a senator to validate their faux objections. Luckily, no Democrat in the Senate could be persuaded to play their extreme left wing embarrassing game of third world socialist political rancor. Though not compromised of solely the BLACK RAT CONGRESS members, the majority of the disruptors were of that persuasion. I wish they could take more of an example from GOP Representitive J.C. Watts, who though black is not a member of their misleadingly named so-called Congressional ( liberal Democrat? ) Black Caucus.

Al Gore deadpanly (sic) announced the final electoral vote count result to the joint session of Congress, " The whole number of the electors being 538, Governor George W. Bush of Texas has received 271 votes and Vice President Al Gore of Tennesse 266 ". Remember, one Democrat elector abstained from voting. He finished, " May God bless the new President of the United States of America ".

I sincerely wanted to give the LEFTIES the benefit of the doubt, to see if they would cooperate, but cooperation is not in their game plan, as they LEFT NO STOOL UNLAID, nor STALE CHEESE UNCUT. I was really hoping beyond all hope that the Democrat Party would curb these dogs and learn to control their animals; sadly, it was not to be. The DIRTYcRATS will continue to BURN THE FLAMES OF EXTREME PARTISAN POLITICAL ATTACK until they are finally voted out of office, or LAUGHED OUT OF THE HALLS OF CONGRESS by members of their own party who want to do the business of the people they were elected by instead of play LIBERAL LUNACY 2001!

- Bongo ( Fade to quack? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

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Updated ( 1-6-2001 )
(c)2000 Bongo.

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