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Rodent Droppings

( or, January 19, the RATS do a virtual solo in attacking John Ashcroft ( decency? ) for the last day. )

On the last day of the Clinton administration, on the last day of the hearing into the nomination of John Ashcroft for United States Attorney General, the Democrats proved once again that they have more concern for their political party affilliation that for truth, justice, honesty or integrity. I thought what the Democrats did to Clarence Thomas was downright nasty and what they did to Robert Bork disgraceful, but what they have done to John Ashcroft is utterly reprehensible and destructive to our nation.

While you expect partisan rancor from the liberal Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee, after seeing the conspiracy of exhoneration of the impeached Bill Clinton in the Senate, I expected the same now from their Senate brothers in slime. I was not surprised but disgusted to see the DIRTYcRATS openly flaunt their lack of integrity with (w)reckless disregard for the truth.

The one and only panel of the day, after finishing yesterdays retreads, was a duo comprised of would be gun grabber Michael Barnes ( not so noble ) and so-called professor ( of insanity? ) James Dunn; LEFT AND LEFTER.

Michael Barnes of Handgun Control, the charter of which specifically spells out their ultimate final goal of banning and confiscating all handguns and most long arms as well ( read it yourself if you don't believe me ) played as fast and loose with the numbers ( truth? ) as is inhumanly possible without becoming so obvious as to even offend the RATS themselves. Barnes twisted Ashcroft's record with no regard for the real facts and figures, quoting imaginary numbers with no connection or basis in or to reality. Barnes, astonishingly acting more like he was a liberal news media talking head on some Democrat inspired television show instead of testifying before a Senate Committee under oath, seemed to think his skewed extreme far, far left wing radical socialist opinions were actually empirical fact, and that any facts or opinions to the contrary to his views were either lies or wrong? I am sorry folks; an opinion expressed by a liberal special interest group whacko based solely on his emotion is as far from factual as you can get!

James Dunn, billed as Wake Forest University Professor of Christianity & Public Policy ( now there's a real joke for you? ) was obviously also against the confirmation of John Ashcroft attacked him for his support of church groups providing child care. This attack was as mean spirited as it was illogical, because we all know how deeply Ashcroft holds his faith to his heart. Dunn had the audacity of a real nutcase to say, " Incredible abuse of the free exercise clause...dog pounds in that state have more adult supervision than church based child care ". This guy is obviously on his way to the HOT PLACE, as he continued to slur, " Most ministries sell their sole for federal money ". Oh no; I think it is Dunn who has sold his sole, providing he actually ever had one? This far, far, far left wing crank was absolutely the craziest person I have ever heard in a goverment hearing. This guy perfectly illustrates the kind of liberal lunatics who have soiled our institutions of higher education!

Obviously RATrick Leahy embraced Dunn like he was God's gift to RATKIND; he was ( or was the gift from his opposite number? )! Leahy enjoyed the response by Barnes describing his opinion of Ashcroft, " A view against gun laws in the far extreme...insurrectionist view ". Whoa, do these RATS ever say anything without taking it to the incredibly unbelievable extreme themselves? Amazingly, but almost predictably, Barnes also thought, " one one hundredth of one percent of the people believe the Second Amendment was so the people could take up arms against the government ". Huh? I think it is just exactly the opposite of what this socialist gun grabber contends. I think the American Revolution is a prime example of a people rising up against their oppressive central government and protection of the people from such an oppressive government is precisely what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they drafted the Second Amendment right to bear arms!

Orrin Hatch wouldn't buy into the PARTISAN RAT CIRCUS, so he only said one thing, " I disagree strongly with both characterizations of John Ashcroft's voting record ".

The TOAD from Democrassechusettes croakingly began, " Does you organization feel..." This perfectly illustrates the difference between Democrats and Republicans; DEMOCRATS FEEL and REPUBLICANS THINK! This hearing has nothing to do with how these liberal lunatics feel emotionally about something or someone they disgree with ( oh, but it does to them? ). TOAD ribbited the liberal gun grabber mantra GUNSHOW LOOPHOLE and the DNC buzz word CHILDREN as many times as was inhumanly possible. Barnes had only his emotion and intuition to offer as a poor excuse for evidence only admitted in a kangaroo court.

Following the example of soon to be Chairman Hatch, Jon Kyl had no questions and disagreed with both of them. He did expose Dunn's extremist liberal attitude.

The Feinstein gun magnet mugged her paranoid anti-gun owner, gun grabbing baloney, " I learned alot about guns ". She obviously knows nothing about guns. She demonstrated her total lack of knowledge over and over again. Though she carried a gun herself, like any other selfish DIRTYcRAT, she wants to prevent any others from doing so for any reason!

Mike DeWine, taking Hatch's example to heart, used almost no time at all; but he made a point which probably went clean over the heads of the assembled RATS as he asked Dunn, " You disagree with John Ashcroft "? Dunn obviously answered, " Yes ".

The DICK attacked Ashcroft's integrity again ( though he has little or none of his own? ) and called his views, " John Ashcroft B.C., before confirmation ".

Jeff Sessions took a little more time than Hatch did, but he did point out accurately, " Even Chairman Leahy voted less than half the time with Handgun Control ". He was, " concerned about mischaracterizations ", made by Barnes. Sessions is obviously one of that miniscule percentage Barnes thinks believes the Second Amendment was designed to give the people protection from a corrupt central goverment. Sessions wanted to expose the highly partisan liberal Democrat nature of Handgun Control as opposed to the non-partisan nature which Barnes lied about with the question, " Have you ever criticized a Democrat "? Sessions asked this twice and got no answer twice! Session pointed a lie by Barnes, " He ( Ashcroft ) did vote for the gunshow loophole ban ". Sessions pointed out bluntly that he ( Barnes ) was being, " unfair ". Getting no answer to his previous question or example of any non-GOP member Barnes has criticized, he finished with a valid point, " I question you being non-partisan ".


Charles Schumer orally hugged his gun grabber buddy, mentioning his favorite group to attack, the NRA. This allowed Barnes to spew more extremist liberal bile ( lies ). I am not an NRA member nor lover, but it is still brought me pause the way a gun hater like Sc(h)um(er) put his own words in the member panel absent National Rifle Association's mouth!

Arlen Specter talked about career criminals and sentencing versus making new numbers of criminals out of lawful gun owners.


RATrick Leahy, " This hearing has a modern day Cinderella quality...breath taking ". I would suggest it is more of a SALEM WITCH HUNT quality. As for breath taking; the depths to which the Democrats sunk in liberal special interest group coddling took my breath away. RAT tried to be funny, in the way the DIRTYcRATS always want one to forget their vicious unfounded and unwarranted attacks on your integrity and lies about your views and record, which they level at conservatives with such glee once the official proceedings are concluded. I for one have a good memory of their reprehensible morally bankrupt conduct, not just this week but last century!

Orrin Hatch, speaking in conclusion, began, " Thank you for conducting a decent and honorable hearing ". After satisfying whatever need he was with that introduction, he continued, " We have seen some attaempts here to undermine a credible man ". Hatch is much to nice to these scum. " I think there have been some things said here that were detrimental...some things so outrageous I wouldn't even ask questions about them ". Hatch resented the Democrats playing the race card like only they care about the civil rights of minorities. He hit the nail right on the head with my last quote of note, " We have gone through over twenty witnesses with no specific law enforcement officer called ".

The Republicans did not buy into the PARTISAN DIRTYcRAT CIRCUS SIDE SHOW, seeming comfortable allowing the Democrats to dig up and bury their own phoney calls for bi-partisanship, in a grave of broken promises, blatant lies and liberal extremist special interest group political attacks. It is a sad day in Washington for all the people, seeing the Democrats throw any hint of cooperation or decency aside, to pay back their campaign contributor minority groups like dogs at obedience trials!

- Bongo ( Fumigate the United States Senate! )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Duck and cover...

Updated ( 1-19-2001 )
(c)2001 Bongo.

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