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RATTING OUT John Ashcroft

( or, January 17, the John Ashcroft Senate confirmation hearing moves to the Russell Senate Office Building. )

Chairman for three more days Ratrick Leahy began the second day of Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings for Attorney General designate John Ashcroft with a so-called clarification into the discussion yesterday of twenty-five year old Missouri litigation, which seemed not to make anything more clear, but designed to attack Ashcroft's integrity.

Democrat Herb Kohl was first up and asked Ashcroft if he was willing to work the middle of the road; quoting him, " The only things you find in the middle of the road are moderates and dead skunks ". Ashcroft, " harmonized the differences ", indicating that as Attorney General he would work with everyone. Ashcroft addressed the joke specifically, saying, " The joke; I regret it if anyone is offended by it ". Kohl finished by intelligently questioning the designate on anti-trust law and the newest airline mergers.

Republican Arlen Specter questioned on abortion rights, doing a bit of pre-damage control on one of the issues which the RATS like better than cheese. He asked about, " enforcement of the law ", and, " putting aside your own views ". Ashcroft explained, " I am committed to the rights of individuals...". Specter then asked about the Microsoft case getting a very responsible answer, " The Microsoft case is a very important case. I would have to confer with officials in the Justice Department...look very carefully at the case ".

Out from under the world's thickest make-up job, DemocRAT Dianne Feinstein attacked Ashcroft's integrity directly with, " Someone who used to be on the right is now making a turn ". This is quite disingenuous from a Senator whom I saw vote no on the Balanced Budget Amendment, then change her vote to yes after it was defeated and then claim to be a supporter of it during her campaign for re-election. Feinstein is a DIRTYcRAT of the lowest order imaginable! She used more of her time to attack him on his stance on abortion, emphasizing that he supposedly was not in favor of abortion even in the case of incest or rape? Ashcroft debunked the rape and incest part. Feinstein then switched to her twisted gun grabbing socialist central government agenda with, " Will you support the assault weapons ban "? Ashcroft answered, " Yes. I don't believe the 2nd Amendment forbids any regulation of guns ". He finished, " As Attorney General it is not my job to make judgements, but to uphold the law ".

Jon Kyl of the GOP addressed the lies Edward Kennedy spewed yesterday, characterizing them as, " litany ", and, " inaccurate ". He debunked Kennedy's false accusations of Ashcroft resisting segregation and minority voter registration, reading the appropriate quotations. He made several other points, where the Toad only mislead and didn't directly and blatantly lie like a dog!


The alcohol laced steam began to rise from the left of Ratrick Leahy and the United State Senate's own version of Jabba The Hut rolled to respond. THE TOAD WILDLY CROAKED, " This was a direct assault made ". " This was a direct condemnation of the messenger because he doesn't like the message ", Kennedy puffed himself up and bubbled in his own unique moaning and groaning style, obviously suffering from an alcoholic blackout. This DIRTYcRAT is truely the lowest of the lowest form of life on the face of planet Earth! Kennedy totally lost whatever is left of his alcohol burned brain, loudly lying with his Bloody Mary ( Jo? ) Breakfast on his breath, " He led the fight that even child molesters in Missouri can acquire concealed weapons, that was defeated by the people of Missouri "? Oh man, this is so far out of line!

In closing, Jon Kyl simply said of The Toad's croaking, " Everything I said was from direct quotations in the transcript ", adding to be totally blunt, " I am concerned here about mischaracterization "!

Russel Feingold offered considerably more civil questions instead of the personal attack toad croaking. Feingold did press Ashcroft on appointing minorities to judicial positions. He touched on the federal death penalty, calling it, " prone to mistakes ". He gave Ashcroft a chance to explain his position against so-called racial profiling.

Charles Grassley asked about federal anti-trust laws in the field of agriculture. Ashcroft replied generally, " We would treat the law with respect ". When asked about bankruptcies, Ashcroft freely admitted, " This is not one of my areas of expertise ".

Charles Schumer mugged in pugilistic pontification. " I sit here and listen to the testimony and my jaw almost dropped ", he attacked the integrity of Ashcroft. He asked Ashcroft directly, for who knows how many times before, about Roe versus Wade. Ashcroft answered, " that reasonable people could disagree reasonably ", but he did add, " it was the law of the land ". To Schumer's allegation that he ( Ashcroft ) has changed his views for the hearing, said emphatically, " If you think I have changed my belief that abortion is good, you are wrong ". He made very clear, " I don't think it is the agenda of the President-elect of the United States to overturn Roe ( and that " would not be my agenda " ) ". Schumer pushed Ashcroft hard; but not in the loud, mean spirited, half-drunken manner that the senior Senator from Democrassechusettes disgracefully did. Schumer did over blabber the liberal left wing gun grabber mantra about the so-called gun show loophole lie!

AFTER A GROUP GUNSHOW HATER GROPE FEATURING KUMBAYA AND AN AMPHIBIAN WHINING FOR REGULAR ORDER CAME, Republican Mike DeWine. He touched upon real crimes, being committed by real criminals and their enforcement, instead of making imaginary criminals out of law abiding legal gun owners. His subjects included, " international parent kidnapping ", " mental health ", " aniti-trust issues ", and, " gun violence ". Ashcroft reponded, " It is one thing to have a law on the books, but then not prosecute ". He talked about, " Project Exile ", and explained, " If you use a gun in a crime, the penalities will be elevated ".

Senator Susan Collins and former Senator John Danforth joined John Ashcroft at the table. Collins spoke of his, " fine record of public service and integrity ". Danforth addressed the issue of whether or not Ashcroft can put his personal views aside to enforce laws he may not agree with. As some form of evidence, he read a letter which included the words, " he never imposed his personal beliefs ".


After the ( out to ) LUNCH BREAK, RAT Richard ' The Dick ' Durbin began the after meal festivities of liberal doses of attacking Ashcroft, " My first concern is over Ronnie White ". " I think what happened to him was disgraceful ", he added with baby faced glee in his eyes. Durbin rudely played the race card, mentioning the, " Dredd Scott decision ", and, " slaves ", in his attack. Obviously The Dick is as far left or lefter than the judicial activist and death sentence hating Judge White!

Ashcroft tried to be civil in the face of a disgraceful Durbin, who should be very familiar with that imagine of himself in the mirror, " I appreciate your feelings ". He continued in a remarkable deadpan, " I treated Ronnie White fairly ", and added for clarification, " Federal judges are appointed for life and they can overturn the state supreme court ( individually ) ". He admitted, " I did characterize Ronnie White as pro-criminal, but I did not denigrate his back ground ". He was swift to point out, " Not a single Republican voted for Ronnie White ".

Durbin began to get arguementitive, presumably because he didn't get the reponse he wanted from Ashcroft, but he did not get loud and obnoxious like Mister I-need-to-go-to-AA did earlier. Durbin would not let Ashcroft finish a complete answer, but offered his own twisted liberal spin instead which bares very little resemblence to actual reality. GOP Senator Jeff Sessions had to ask the Commissar ( chairman ) to allow Ashcroft to finish his answers. Ashcroft answered, " Statistical numbers about how many times you say guilty or innocent don't always tell the story ". Ashcroft declared, but was not taken up on the offer, that he was, " prepared to talk about other cases Judge White was involved in ". Oops, is that Dick's integrity I saw fall in the Dustbin?


Jeff Sessions began, " They have every right to raise issues and complain ". Elluding to the obvious liberal special internest group participation in the smear campaign against Ashcroft, Sessions went further, " Chairman Hatch has been approached by outside groups and he has managed to keep them out ", of the process. " A bad federal judge can ruin your day ", he continued, " I would not confirm a judge I feel is unfair to law enforcement ". In defense of the totally unfounded allegations being shouted by the RATS, Sessions offered more, " Seventy-seven sheriffs signed a letter of opposition to Judge White "!

Democrat Joseph Biden asked, " Are you willing to enforce the laws though you may disagree with them "? Throwing down his own version of the race card, he said, " My main concern is to questions relating to race ". Oh please, he then said, " I wish you had been nominated for secretary of anything else ". The Biden Beast began it's attack, " I told you bluntly what my concerns are ". He then read some third party comments from a questionable magazine called " Southern Partisan ", which amounted to marching in lock step with the far left extremist groups he embraces and playing the black racist Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton race ( face ) card. To his credit, Biden admitted he was reading only allegations and he didn't rant and rave like he was in a drunken stupor. Biden dug in in his sarcastic way, " Racist; I don't believe you are that...I am not looking to vote against you...I wish you were able to be more forthright in your condemnations ( of racism ) ". Ashcroft quickly responded, " I reputiate everything that is racist ". In regards to Biden attacking him in reference to Confederate General Robert E. Lee, Ashcroft returned, " This Congress has acted to reinstate the citizenship of Robert E. Lee ".

Republican Bob Smith had, " admiration for you ( Ashcroft ) ". He said, " You have risen above the attacks that have been leveled at you ". Continuing, he cautioned, " The attacks...are demeaning to the United States Senate ". He made perfectly clear, " Enforce the law; that is what this hearing is all about ". Putting it our for all to hear, " His critics from the left say that if you don't agree with us, you can't be Attorney General ". He debunked Durbin's ascertion that the Missouri law enforcement community was behind Ronnie White by producing numerous letters from Missouri law enforcement organizations urging against the confirmation of White. Smith closed with a virtual vote for Ashcroft, " If there is any person more qualified, I would like to know who it is ". Durbin then entered into the record his single letter supporting Ronnie White, and then Smith trumped him by entering a letter from the same organization supporting John Ashcroft for Attorney General! Ashcroft exclaimed, " Twenty-six out of twenty-seven black judges; I voted for them...Is it clear I reject racism "? Arlen Specter used some of Smith's time to ask about appointing independent or special counsels.

Rookie Democrat Maria Cantwell began on the subject of " the environment ". She seems to be a card carrying member of the ACLU?

The GOP's own Sam Brownback could hold back no more; so he met fire with fire in the way the RATS attacked Ashcroft for being in a particular magazine with, " Al Gore gave interviews to magazines like Rolling Stone, who have advertisements for things like sexual aids and drugs ". Ashcroft interjected, " If the magazine ( Southern Partisan ) has done the things the Senators say it did; then I refutiate it ". Brownback remarked about the strange make up of the people testifying decided by the Democrats, " I noticed not a single law enforcement name on the panels ". He then read numerous letters of support for Ashcroft from law enforcement groups outside Missouri. He finished with a comment on Meth labs?

Ashcroft had the quote of the day with, " Our young people are only twenty-five percent of our country's population, but they are one hundred percent of our country's future ".


Ratrick Leahy began the five minute rounds by bringing up an alleged blocked confirmation by John Ashcroft and Jesse Helms of James Hormel as ambassador to Luxemburg. Asked, did you block him because he was gay; Ashcroft answered, " No ". Leahy jumped in, " Why then "? Ashcroft replied, " I had known him for years. I did not believe he would respresent the United States in that capacity ". Further clearing the air, " I do not consider sexual orientation in hiring ". Pushed to get more specific, he warned, " I am not prepared to redebate his confirmation ". Leahy got argumentitive because he wasn't getting the negative answers he was seeking. Leaving no doubts, Ashcroft amended, " I don't believe I put a hold on Hormel's confirmation ".

Orrin Hatch had to question, " Do we have to play the political correctness game right down the line "? Hatch then debunked Leahy point by point, with Ashcroft finally answering, " I was faithfully discharging the duties of Attorney General of Missouri ". Hatch read Ashcroft's record in prosecuting under environmental law.

TERRIBLE TOAD attacked Ashcroft's integrity again, continuing his blatant lies about him ( Ashcroft ) resisting desegregation. This poor excuse for a man has not an ounce of integrity left himself, attacking Ashcroft through creative lies about him not living up to the oathes of office he has taken in the past. This was truely a low blow, even for a DIRTYcRAT! After getting assurances he would not be interrupted by the amphibian again, Ashcroft replied, " I don't think it breaks a Governor's oath of office to sign a new law into action ". The TOAD had to have the last CROAK, " My sense is in Roe v. Wade you were trying to overturn the law and not test it ". Kennedy's demeanor was much more reserved this time, presumably because the other RATS told him they were making all of them look bad?

Strom Thurmond could still read, " I think you are honest. I think you are courageous. I intend to vote for you ".

A better mannered Democrat Herb Kohl brought up the Firestone tire fiasco in regards to litigants being paid high monetary awards in exchange for keeping quiet about their product defects. He then sunk to the extreme liberal left in bringing up their repeating mantra of mandatory child safety locks on guns, for the gazillioneth time. Ashcroft countered with a hug and a kiss, " I support the Second Amendment. I don't think child safety locks offend the Constitution ". Kohl could smell NRA blood in the water the feeding frenzied the question urgingly, " See that every gun sold has a child safety lock "? Ashcroft dripped, " I would be happy to join with the president-elect on that ".

Arlen Specter recused the audience but sung along, " Look at Firestone and Ford...because of them many people have died ". He then brought up the independent counsel issue again.

Feingold sung the sexual orientation song, while Jon Kyl sang the Carly Simon song Anticipation, " It is hard to prove that you won't do something improper in the future ". Sc(h)umer slimed the audience by bringing up the phoney allegations of voter irregularities in Florida. He quickly hit homosexuality, abortion and illegal search and seizure. DeWined about, " consumer rights ".

Durbin tried to trip up Ashcroft up on the subject of partial birth abortion. He tried for some laughs(?) with the question, " If you are confirmed as United States Attorney General, would you appear at Bob Jones University "? Ashcroft repeated, " I reject any racial intolerance associated with that or any institution ".

Sessions scolded, " We have to treat people here with fairness ". Feinstein tried to RSVP Attorney General Ashcroft to Bob Jones University for some Hormel hotdogs? The Brownback delivered more Ashcroft fan mail. Cantwell made the rookie mistake of being not only witless, but also, " roadless "?

Still having to have the very last CROAK. The TOAD ducked under lilly pads to escape assault weapons fire and got his cigarettes all wet as well as lost the keys to his car? It seems like they must have gotten him to lay off for the afternoon. Ashcroft boomed, " I am no friend to tobacco. I don't smoke. My family doesn't smoke ". Leahy used his time to further smear the GOP, this time in the person of George W. Bush for appearing at Bob Jones University. He hit on all the DIRTYcRAT MANTRAs, though in shorthand. Specter oh-boyed, " You have heard them all and then some ".

Ashcroft ended, " I am eager to be the Attorney General for all the people ".


RATrick Leahy came back to sully the reputation of even the forever tarnished DNC, ratting the extreme liberal special interest group spew du'jour. Leahy wanted to have Ronnie White do a solo, while Orrin Hatch wanted a duet between opposing factions to be represented on the panel as well. Because the DIRTYcRATS want a THREE RING CIRCUS starring their precious White to smear John Ashcroft further while they still have a television audience tomorrow ( maybe ).

In a total act of desperation which reaked of partisan political rancor at it's dirtiest, Leahy called the extreme liberal QUEEN and PRINCESS of DIRTYcRATS, liberal Democrat, GOP haters from the House of Representitives Maxine Waters and Sheila Jackson Lee.

Sewer Waters run deep and reek, " It is clear to me that John Ashcroft is denying the poor judgement he exercised in the past ". She attacked scoldingly, " I simply do not trust John Ashcroft ". Well, Waters was a proven ' DNC uber alles DIRTYcRAT during Clinton's impeachment and she is a Republican hater willing to say or do absolutely anything to smear the GOP. She is a total disgrace to the human race. LATER! The Lee Beast had more make-up on that a circus full of clowns.


Orrin Hatch was way too nice to them, while Dick Durbin didn't have enough make-up on, you could tell Charles Schumer needed a breath mint?

The United States Senate has been suitably sullied by the Democrats today. Not to worry though, the GOP will clean it up for us, beginning on Monday.

- Bongo ( Squeak more RAT lies? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

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Updated ( 1-17-2001 )
(c)2000 Bongo.

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