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John Ashcroft enters the RAT CAVE

( or, January 16, the John Ashcroft Senate confirmation hearing for the office of United States Attorney General begins. )

Democrat Senator Patrick Leahy is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee until after the January 20th swearing in of President-elect George W. Bush. Leahy is a extreme partisan liberal Democrat and we will see if he can be either bi or non-partisan ( Yeah right ). Leahy began with a DNC sponsored dig disguised as a preamble, " This is not about whether John Ashcroft is racist, anti-Catholic or ( anti-everthing a liberal Democrat can think of )...it is about his fitness for the office of Attorney General of the United States ". Oh yeah. If it wasn't about publically smearing him, then why did Leahy feel the need to mention all the wild unfounded accusations being thrown around by every National Socialist Wing of the Democrat Party member special interest group from the Gay and Lesbian lobby to the National Organization of Women?

GOP Senator and ranking committee member Orrin Hatch began, " John Ashcroft is no stranger to the Judiciary Committee; he has served with distinction ".

The Democrat Senator/Toad Edward Kennedy croaked, " This may be the most important hearing we hold this year ", keeping his partisan liberal juices in his hip flask for now.

Republican committee member Charles Grassley opined, " He will be a breathe of fresh air in the Justice Department ", obviously referring to the total disdain many Republicans have for Clinton's Attorney General Janet Reno. He openly criticized the disingenuous liberal smear campaign, saying, " The smear goes on "!

Democrat ( RAT ) Dianne Feinstein, an integrity challenged ultra-liberal gun grabbing member of the extreme National Socialist Wing of the Democrat Party, sounded like a female version of Jesse Jackson, preaching the kind of government controls which led to the Final Solution in Nazi Germany last century. She lied out of the other side of her mouth, " Give Senator Ashcroft a full and fair hearing "?

Republican Arlen Specter slammed the LIARS FROM THE LEFT with, " I thought I knew John Ashcroft very well until I read about him and heard about him in the print and electronic media ". He firmly opined that, " If partisanship runs high, it will not be good for the American people ".

Possibly moderate Democrat Russel Feingold declared that the Democrats should, " Do unto the Republicans as we want the Republicans to do unto us ". Seemingly seperating himself from the likes of Durbin or Kennedy, he offerd, " I think John Ashcroft is highly qualified ". Though he began sounding non-partisan he ended by criticizing the GOP blockage of three of Clinton's appointees.

Republican Senator John Kyl wanted to, " Welcome our colleague back to the committee ".

Deeply partisan ' DNC uber alles ' National Socialist Democrat Senator Charles Schumer left nothing to one's imagination with, " I have misgivings about your nomination for Attorney General ". He arrogantly declared ( that his unfounded allegations were true and must be proven wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt, with ), " The burden of proof has shifted ( back ) to you ". Huh? This piece of work is a DIRTYcRAT of the dirtiest kind imaginable!

Democrat Senator Herb Kohl thought, " The Attorney General should be a role model ".

Republican Mike DeWine thought Ashcroft was, " qualified ". He said, " He is a man of ": " integrity ", " courage ", and, " honor ".

Democrat Richard ( Dick ) Durbin mugged that the confirmation process had, " nothing to do with your ( Ashcroft's ) personal life ". He began to SHOW HIS RATNESS with the description/question of how the Attorney General must be, " guided by a set of values...what will those values be "? These RATS are still in denial that they lost the White House. He then spewed forth the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton baloney we have gotten so tired of over the last two weeks. He gave a us a preview of just how partisan his RATNESS could get with, " ( Your ) views are outside those of the American people ". While he squeaks like a RAT out of one side of his mouth, he finished that he ( Ashcroft ), " will get a fair hearing ". Yeah right, sure; whatever.

GOP Senator Jeff Sessions began, " Welcome to The Pit ". Of the liberal conspiracy of lies he said, " They know how to tarnish an individual when they come before the committee ". He talked of his many, " qualifications ", and declared, " I think you are perfect ( for the job ) ".

Republican Bob Smith described Ashcroft, " You are not a sunshine patriot; you are willing to stand hare and take it ". He went further, " To hear racism applied to you is unworthly ". Too bad the Democrats have no integrity nor shame, and they don't care about how they look to the average intelligent American, just to emotional liberal DIRTYcRATS. He finished with, " To the other side I would say; if I can vote for Janet Reno, you can vote for John Ashcroft "!


GOP Senator Sam Brownback heralded, " We have had the chance to work together on many issues ". He put these adjectives on the Attorney General designate, " honesty ', " integrity ", " principle ", and " character ".

Republican of Missouri Kit Bond deferred to the newly elected Democrat from Missouri who replaced Ashcroft, Jean Carnahan, who's husband's corpse beat him in the November 2000 election for United States Senator. She didn't offer anything monumental, nor did Republican Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson. Bond opened with extreme criticism of the special interest group liars from the extreme left with the classic Clinton cronie Arkansas rhetorical question, " Are you going to believe them ( me ) or your own lying eyes "? He called them, " extremist groups ", and declared, " I see elements of religious bigotry ". He firmly stood behind Ashcroft with, " He is not one to bend the laws toward his own personal views "!

Ashcroft was sworn in..." How soon we forget ". His grandson jimmy temporarily " up staged " him for a moment. He made it perfectly clear that he would, " advance the national interest, not my personal interests ". He finished that he would, " enforce the law as it is; not as I would have it ".

AFTER ASHCROFT FINISHED HIS OPENING STATEMENT, a RAT in the audience started screaming and had to be arrested by the Capital Police, while Leahy banged out, " The committee will stand in recess until the police can restore order ".

Leahy began the questioning and opened with the BIG QUESTION, allowing Ashcroft to explain his views on why he opposed the appointment of Bill Lee as assistant Attorney General. The DIRTYcRATS have held this up as an example of racism by Ashcroft because Bill Lee was black? Ashcroft explained himself over Leahy's interruptions and arguing, as he didn't bother to listen to a word he ( Ashcroft ) said!

Orrin hatch voiced his own problems with Bill Lee and his, " interpretation of racial law ". He claimed that Lee believed, " racial preferences are premitted ".

Ashcroft pledged, " My faith heritage compells me to enforce the law ". He continued that if the two got in the way, " I would be forced to resign ".

Presumably having cocktails during the break and hopping from lilly pad to lilly pad, Edward Kennedy continued to croak the DNC/Jackson/Sharpton line of misleading statements, alleging a, " scorched earth legal process ", in delaying desegregation in St. Louis, Missouri years ago. Kennedy got loud and obnoxious like only a life long drunk can! Ashcroft reacted to the litany of unfounded charges being thrown at him in mass with absolutely no time in between for him to respond, " When the machinegun of charges come out; I want to respond to all the lead ". Kennedy is truely a DIRTYcRAT of the lowest form found at the bottom of the bottle. EDWARD KENNEDY MAKES ME WANT TO VOMIT!!!

John Ashcroft defended himself and his defense of the state of Missouri while serving as it's Attorney General, " When the court spoke, the state had to pay ", but he also offered, " The bright students left the city ( after the program of so-called desegregation began ) ".

Like a pimple that needs to be squeezed, Kennedy's face began to swell and turn red; as he, in a first alcohol of the day buzz cloud, threw every unfair and unfounded allegation the National Socialist Wing of The Democrat Party could muster out in the face of the obvious truth. None of Toadward Spinnedy's lies seemed to bother the solid Ashcroft, presumably because he was ready for the Driver Education Instructor from Chappaquidick!

Finally GOP senior Senator Strom Thurmond asked, " Gun prosecutions declined during the Clinton administration; will you enforce the laws currently on the books "?

Ashcroft ended the day with this answer, " If you use a gun in the commission of a crime, you will regret it ". He pledged, " more vigorous prosecution of current gun laws ".

The Democrat Party has illustrated that they can't be trusted to be bi-partisan in the least. I still contend that an ounce of integrity is not to be found in all the collective Congressional Democrats ( except maybe the Blue Dog Democrats in the House of Representitives )!

- Bongo ( Squeal your RAT lies? )

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Updated ( 1-16-2001 )
(c)2000 Bongo.

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