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Pardon Garage Sale?

( or; Heartburn at Rayburn? )

March 1, 2001 at the Rayburn Building in Washington D.C., the House of Representitives Committee on Government Reform holds a second hearing on Bill Clinton's possible last minute sale of presidential pardons for cold hard cash.

All the Clinton impeachment party cronies were there; and those who were not in the spotlight on the hot seat were in the audience. Clinton non-apology apologist and defender of the indefensible and despicable, David ' Darth Vader ' Kendall arrived in a gray trenchcoat instead of the traditional black cape!

Chairman Dan Burton gave a brief recap of the previous hearings and then passed off to a significantly more long winded Democrat ranking member ( RANK discribes him inadequately ) Henry Waxman, who seemed to be more in need of the old F. Lee Bailey liar detector than a dentist this time, though you could almost smell his bad breathe through the television monitor!

The Clinton defense attorney Waxmonster began ( lied ) about how presidential pardons must be above reproach; saying, assumably with his fingers crosssed under the table, " I see no evidence the president ( small ' p ' for Clinton and his crooked Little Willie* ) broke the law ". He then rationalized it like these vermin always do concerning their questionable actions and activities as some accident, mistake or series there of; calling it ( them ), " bad judgement ". Huh? That is like calling the atomic bombs we dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 little firecrackers! Waxman continued to dance the double talk two step of phoney outrage at the morally bankrupt, utterly conscienceless but completely selfish actions of Bill Clinton, while supporting his precious DNC sponsored quid pro quo monetary gluttony. Waxman mugged, " When he ( Slick Willie ) makes a serious mistake, Democrats must be willing to say so "? This is typical DIRTYcRAT bile, designed to look like criticism, but actually it is defense attorney double-speak using the tired old unbelievable Clinton/DNC lying excuse of mistake instead of criminality. The Parafin Parrot made light of the seriousness of individuals refusing to testify by invoking the Fifth Amendment to our Constitution and puked unfounded accusations of past GOP administration presidential pardon misuse in his best, Polly Want A Cracker, lying two-faced style! The problem was that he had no incident of millions of dollars going to the opposing president or his party to use as an illustration. He could only wax and wane in a revolving spinmeister fashion ( whine ), " Ridiculing president ( sic - see * ) Clinton makes great entertainment for some ". I think Clinton does a great job of bringing extreme ridicule down upon both himself and his hedonistic, morally relativistic and totally morally bankrupt Democrat party!

Members from both sides of the aisle made opening statements, some short and some long; while most were at least on subject, others from the Democrat side were totally off base or complete gibberish presumably done for the benefit of those typically selfish corrupt liberal special interest groups.

The GOP's Bob Barr began by characterizing Waxman's tirade of phoney contrived outrage as the, " ranking member's irrelevant comments ". He described the Rank Member's previous mischaracterization of the United State's Constitution, " Mister Waxman turned the Fifth Amendment into not being able to participate in today's hearings ". He further commented on the Ranking Rat's squealings, pointing out that the content contained, " nothing enlightening, but we did learn a new euphamism into taking the Fifth Amendment ". Barr has a way with words and telling it like it is!

DemocRAT Eleanor Holmes Norton continued the DIRTYcRAT DEFENSE OF THE INDEFENSIBLE with more SMOKESCREENS, beginning, " The president ( sic - see * ) deserves credit for waving executive privilege and releasing the names of donors ". Beside the vagueness of the actual number of donor names supposedly to be released in the future, the possibility of redacting the ones the DIRTYcRATS don't want the public to know about and the fact that the names have not actually been released as of yet, this baloney does not even deserve consideration. This piece of partisan political, ' DNC uber alles ', the end justifies whatever means imaginable, work lied, denied and stuck to her precious living God Pharoah Bill Clinton like so much equestrian rink mud dried in the tread of knee high riding boots!

The GOP's Steven LaTourette opined that, " Mr Quinn took the revolving door off it's hinges ", while Independent Socialist Bernie Sanders lost his mind and started talking about, " high priced perscription drugs "? Sanders should have plenty of money to buy the drugs he must be having withdrawls from, though this sheep in man's clothing has not an ounce of shame.

The first witness was the former Finance Chairman of the Democrat Party Beth Dozoretz, who was to be questioned by the Republican Representitive from California Christopher Shays about a seemingly incriminating email marked Exhibit Sixty-three. Instead of explaining herself or testifying at all, Dozoretz said, " Upon advice of my counsel, I refuse to answer that question..." She then went on to TAKE THE 5TH, as not to incriminate herself, over and over again? She and Denise Rich, ex-wife of the ex-FBI's most wanted list inhabitant Marc Rich, have now both refused to testify, citing the ever popular and newest of DIRTYcRAT Bill of Rights MANTRAS.

The Waxmonster sandwiched Bob Barr's questioning time with more RAT RATIONALIZATIONS and whined about Denise Rich being allowed to take the Fifth Amendment away from the committee ( and it's public and television audience ), while Dozoretz was required to come ascert the privilege in person. Bob Barr asked Dozoretz some questions and got the now familiar Democrat chorus, " I will rely on the advice of my counsel ". Waxman finished ( fibbed ), " She ( Dozoretz ) is a responsible person ". Oh man, THESE RATS REALLY SMELL OF SPOILED CHEESE!

The first real panel up was the White House Three Stooges ( John ' The Rodent ' Podesta, Beth Nolan and Bruce Lindsey ) joined by the Designated Hitter ( liar? ) and Shemp replacement, ex-Clinton words-parsing defense lawyer ( liar du'jour ) Jack Quinn.

The Rodent squeaked a rationalizationary itinerary of pettitions for pardons received between December 2000 and January 2001. These liberal twisters of reality and the truth seem to think we were all born yesterday and will keep falling for that same excuse, so worn out for the last eight years of Clinton corruption and scandals! He claimed ( lied? ), " I didn't think the ( Marc Rich ) pardon would be granted ". Yeah right, and the DIRTYcRATS don't love the smell, taste and feel of that dirty green ' quid pro quo ' money? Lindsey parsed the word, " fugitivity ", as Rich was indicted after he fled the United States. This parsing was as despicible as any of the ' meaning of the word is ', word games the most corrupt president in history was playing in the Paula Jones/Monica Lewinsky civil and criminal matters!

Christopher Shays asked the panel about the involvement of another Clinton Impeachment lawyer ( liar ), Cheryl Mills, of LIE DENY AND STICK TO IT Senate so-called trial fame, in the Rich pardon. Mills had officially left the White House but she was at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue answering questions on the telephone and otherwise working on the pardon(s) during the last few months of the Lame Duck Clinton Administration. Burton interjected, " She ( Mills ) was talking with a great deal of authority ". Shays asked, uncoveringly, " Is Mills a trustee of the Clinton Library "? Nolan could answer, " Yes ", and later testify that, " She was in the meeting of January 19th ( where the Marc Rich pardon was discussed in detail ) "!

Henry waxed and waned questioningly to the panel, in TYPICAL DIRTYcRAT DEFENSE ATTORNEY STYLE, " Did you see any quid pro quo activity "; getting negatives from the Three Stooges plus Shemp ( no offense to Shemp intended ). The Rodent invoked Israeli goverment officials like Barak and Perez, spewing the old and tired ' foreign policy concerns ' bile made so repetitious by Department of Corruption assistant defense attorney general Eric Holder ( See: Pardon these? ( 1-24-2001 ) ). One of the oldest of Clinton cronies, Bruce Lindsey, was the only one of the stooges who admitted that he or she knew about Denise Rich giving extremely large amounts of money to the DNC and the Clinton Library, though he denied any discussion of the donation of money to the library and the Rich pardon with Bill Clinton ( but not Hillary, who wasn't mentioned in the particular mouthfull? ).

WHAT I FOUND OF GREAT INTEREST IS THAT MANY OF THESE MOST CORRUPT WHITE HOUSE IN HISTORY CLINTON ADMINISTRATION CRONIES NOW WORK FOR THE CLINTON LIBRARY SLUSH FUND DU'JOUR? I mean; have you seen those drawings of the proposed Clinton library compound in Arkansas? Those drawings remind me of Adolf Hitler's plans for the capital(sic) of the never-to-be failed Nazi Thousand Year Reich! Maybe that so-called library would be better called the Clinton Memorial Brothel?

After a short recess for a few votes, the Parafinmeister truely became an advocate for Marc Rich and defense attorney for Bill Clinton, calling the prosecution, " over zealous "? I could smell Waxman's putrid breathe from the television monitor as he invited Beth Nolan to rationalize scriptedly, in the most whiney voice imaginable since Queen Hillary, a march of rich fatcats and legislators trying to get last minutes pardons for their special interest group friends and campaign contributor quid pro quo agents.

Playing the perpetual Clinton knee pad clad so-called Congressional ( Liberal Democrat ) Black Caucus member role to the hilt, Elijah Cummings declared to the panel and the viewing public lyingly, " Your testimony has helped to make me feel better about the situation "? He then went into foreign policy DNC talking points memo mode!


Next came DEMOCRAT DEFENSE ATTORNEY PATSY Mink, who more closely resembled the epitomy of RAT FINK, but that was the NEXT PANEL. Obviously, BARAK is the new DIRTYcRAT MANTRA, as the temporary FINK DU'MOMENT twitched it's whiskers in a very foreign political manner?

The GOP exposure attempts began with a softening up diversionary series of questions by Doug Ose aimed at John Podesta concerning the disposition of gifts given to the White House and those to the President personally, centering on the procedures used. Bob Barr then pulled a rat out of his hat, as he asked the assembled panel about a petition for pardon filed by Almon Glenn Braswell. Beth Nolan and Bruce Lindsey replied they had seen the petition, but John Podesta was smart enough to say he saw it in the New York Times. Embarassing or maybe incriminating to Lindsey and Nolan, Barr pointed out that no pardon petition was ever filed. Beth Nolan got hot, visibly blushing beet red in an obvious guilty-as-sin fashion, and squealed like a stuck pig, " I don't want to over state my memory...I have not been intentionally unclear ". Mercifully for Nolan, Barr ran out of time.

The Parafin Pundits, led by the Wax Museum Curator himself, could only excruciatingly whine, with Curator Waxman looking like a kid who just had his toys taken away when he whimpered, " I think the questioning was insulting ". Oh well, Barr only asked the question and he wasn't the one who bought and sold pardons, involving the Clinton White House and so-called Museum staffs up to their eyeballs in a conspiracy of pardoning filthy criminals for filthy money!

Elijah Cummings quickly put whatever miniscule amount of integrity or shame the Democrats had left under the table when he began to preach, " how credible ", the witnesses ( the four stooges ) had been, " until the day I die ". Cummings even had the nerve to squeak, " I wanted to scream "?


The rule of sanity was again invoked, as Christopher Shays pointed out, " The more questions we ask, the worse it looks ". He asked about Denise Rich being in the White House on the 20th of January 2001. Burton finally had to address the, ' George Step-on-all-of-us Senate Whitewater hearing-like ', amnesia attack which seemed to be infecting the witnesses since the previous Bob Barr question/realization was mistakenly answered truthfully by the FOUR CLINTON STOOGES DU'JOUR, saying of Jack Quinn's failing memory, " DON'T GIVE ME THAT I HAVE NO RECOLLECTION AGAIN ". I feel sorry for Quinn's family plan lawyers Joe and Victoria deGenova, who had to sit quietly and watch their corrupt to the bone client Quinn answering, " I don't recall ", quite a few times more than any reasonable innocent person would; he looked even more guilty than Nolan as the hearing continued. The Podesta Rodent got hot at Bob Barr as well, in a very guilty manner, when asked about the official White House WAVE record showing Denise Rich visited 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on January 19th! GOP Representitive Thomas Davis asked Jack Quinn about particular numbers of conversations and visits to the White House, getting the now familiar run around routine with a large dosage of amnesia thrown in.

The WaxMonologMonster felt the need the whimper in between each session, but lacking the least bit of a defense, he finally resorted to attacking previous Republican administrations with misleading statements and lies, including those of George H. Bush and Ronald Reagan. He finished by becoming the SEE-NO-EVIL MONKEY with it's hands over it's eyes, fibbing, " illegal...I see no evidence ".

Quinn went out of his way to say that he called Beth Dozoretz to make sure she didn't mention finances in the same conversation as the Marc Rich pardon with Bill Clinton. This is the stuff conspiracy is made of and if you believe that hogwash spewed by JACK THE RAT, I have several bridges you will certainly be interested in purchasing?

Shays opined tough-in-cheekly, though possibly not that far from the truthly that, " He ( Clinton ) pardoned Marc Rich so we would not make a big deal about Susan MacDougal ( who obviously also received the SLICK WILLIE GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD ) ". Shays also asked a few questions of Bruce Lindsey about pardon applications hawked by Mrs. Clinton's brother Tony Rodham ( Yes folks, it seems like this was a family affair! ). Shays questioned, " Doesn't this strike you as the least bit unethical for these family members to be involved "? Lindsey hemmed and hawwed; not answering the question. Majority Counsel Jim Wilson was obsessed with dates and numbers as usual; getting the old 1-2-3-4 on how many times Barak called Clinton from Israel to lobby for Marc Rich, in direct opposition to reports from Israel indicating only one call was made at most!

The last panel consisted of: 1) Robert Fink, attorney for Marc Rich, 2) Lewis Libby, Chief of Staff to VPOTUS Dick Cheney, and 3) Peter Kadzik, former attorney for Marc Rich and current DNC operative.

SURROUNDED BY RATS, Lewis Libby began by debunking the SLICK WILLIE AND GENERIC LIBERAL DIRTYcRAT SPINMEISTER LIES ABOUT HIS WORKING ON THE MARK RICH DEBACLE, " I didn't participate in the Marc Rich pardon ". He dated and qualified the only work he did in regards to companies Rich was involved with, continuing, " In August 1987 we presented...". He dated how long ago any old stale information he may have collected in helping to analyze only the Rich Incorporated related tax law work. Libby admitted that he briefed Quinn on his past work, having nothing to do with the petition for pardon. The Democrats on the committee didn't flinch an inch at being exposed for the liars they truely are!

Peter Kadzik also was involved, " in the late 1980s ", but he had to admit that he also represented John Podesta and did help lobbying for the Marc Rich pardon. Oh, I guess that is just another coincidence? Kadzik didn't lie like a complete rug, as he admitted, " I told him ( Podesta ) that my law firm was representing the people who were asking for pardons ".

Robert ' Rat ' Fink has been Marc Rich's attorney, " since 1980 "!

It quickly became quite clear that the Democrats had Libby appear so they could smear his reputation and through putting their own words in his mouth misleadingly, try to involve the Bush White House or Republicans with the Marc Rich pardon conspiracy, as Waxman started in on Libby with typical spinmeister reckless abandon, " You had a long involvement with Mister Rich "? You can understand that even while Libby may not have been actively involved, it can easily be said that it started a ' long ' time ago ( the 1980s ). The RATS keep squealing about how much Libby knew about the whole situation, but he kept saying it was ONLY TAX LAW. Libby did respond truthfully, saying a few things the RATS could use in their spinmeister routines with, " There were other companies which had similar transactions which were handled civilly ". Libby testified that he, " recused himself ", from the Marc Rich matter, but both the SQUEAKIEST RATS, Henry Waxman and Paul Kanjorski badgered and falsely flattered him over and over again to try to get an opinion out of him after he made it quite clear that he would no violate his recusal!

Dan Burton wanted nothing left for the spinmeisters to use as ammunition, so he clarified with the question to Libby, " You only saw the defense's side of the case; is that true "? Libby answered, " Yes ". They then firmly dated the work Libby had done for companies associated with Rich as between 1985 to 1989 and 1999 to 2000, but nothing at all for the pardon.

Bob Barr had some distinct questions about empirically demonstratable correspondences sent concerning the pardon fiasco. He had an email which used the words, " unconventional approach ", but Fink couldn't or wouldn't ' remember ', presumably catching Jack Quinn's amnesia while he was waiting in the audience, saying, " I don't recall "!

With so much Democrat blood in the water lately, and assumably much Bloddy Mary mix in their own blood veins, the likes of Cummings, Kanjorski and Waxman attacked Libby repeatedly in an obfuscating manner! The GOP felt they had to counter the lies and Shays asked, " You ( Libby ) were in no way involved in this pardon process "? Libby replied, " That is correct ". Barr read a portion of a piece written by Bill Clinton indicating in a few places that Libby worked on the Rich pardon and Libby debunked the still serially lying Slick Willie.


GOP Majority Counsel Jim Wilson got Robert Fink to ascert the attorney client privilege as many times as Jack Quinn couldn't recall.

The Democrats closed with Phil Barnett, a Roswell alien who just graduated from law school. He regurgitated Henry Waxman's testimony and otherwise tried to keep the audience awake when he should have stopped wasting everyone's sack time? After a long monolog in what seemed to be alien language and a barrage of non-sequitor questions/statements falsely trying to link him to the Marc Rich pardon ' quid pro quo ' fisaco, Libby actually had to ask, " I am unclear what you think I bring to this conversation "? Barnett may have disclosed his Martian heritage as he blushed visibly after being made to look like a complete fool. Not wanting to be left out, the RATS contniued to try and make more of Libby's involvement than just the tax evasion part he did, making minirat Phil Schiliro look like a page who overstayed his welcome behind the coats hung up in the cloak room?

Mercifully for Mister Sandman, GOP Representitives Shays and LaTourette closed out the, intentionally prolonged by the Democrats, hearing with no minority members left to make look bad!

- Bongo ( Take back the 5th Amendment? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Duck and cover...

Updated ( 3-2-2001 )
(c)2001 Bongo.

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