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Mushroom Garden?

( or; Kill a arab terrorist; get a medal! )

Had I been the President of the United States, my response to the arab terrorists attacking the United States on Seprember 11, 2001 would have been a simple one; HAVE THE STRATEGIC AIR COMMAND PLANT SOME MUSHROOMS AROUND THE HARDCORE ARAB MUSLIM FUNDAMENTALIST WORLD. Kabul, Afganistan would have been first, but Islamabad, Pakistan would not have been far behind. Libya, Iraq, Iran and Syria would have come next, but not necessarily in that order. Sudan, Yemen and the Palestinians on the West Bank are not deserving of SAC's attention but they would see some action as well, with an eye on Saudi Arabia to see if MECCA WOULD MAKE A GOOD MUSHROOM GARDEN!

Now that the time of emotional out bursts may be past, what would be a restrained response?

In the true spirit of cooperation, I would call on arab and muslim Americans to join the United States Army and form an all arab division, not unlike the Americans of Japanese descent did in World War II and have them REASON WITH THEIR MISGUIDED MUSLIM BROTHERS!

While the Arab-American Division takes care of the arab terrorist state(s) overseas, WHAT WILL WE DO ABOUT THE FUNGUS AMOUNG US?

Not being one fond of concentration camps and remembering the internment of Japanese-Americans in World War II, though we only rounded up Japanese civilians while the Japanese were busy beheading Americans, I think a strict high tech identification and tracking system could be worked out with extremely harsh penalties imposed for even the smallest of infractions.

THE BLAME AMERICA FIRST LIBERAL LUNATICS WHO THINK WE SHOULD GO OVER THERE AND TALK THEM INTO SUBMISSION SHOULD GO FIND COLLECTIVE HOLES TO CRAWL INTO OR ROCKS TO GET UNDER. All bigotry aside, If you think Islam is a peaceful religion, tell it to Phillip or Richard and don't forget to order extra C-4 on your pizza in Tel Aviv!

Lastly, and back to my first point, THE BOMBING OF NEW YORK AND WASHINGTON WAS NOT A CRIMINAL TERRORIST ACT, BUT AN ACT OF WAR. When scores of thousands of people are killed by a state ( Afganistan ) sponsored attack led by their de facto leader ( Ossama bin Laden ), WAR SHOULD BE DECLARED AND THE OFFENDING COUNTRY DESTROYED!

- Bongo ( Clean out the world's sewers? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

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Updated ( 10-1-2001 )
(c)2001 Bongo.

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