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Mystery Medals?

Usually I don't just post these remarks, but...

Found your page on 3 POWS being awarded medals most interesting! My son is in the Army, and just following the awarding of these medals, he phoned me...just outraged, as was most of the soldiers. He is leaving for Korea next month? Do you have any words of advice for him re: Korea?

--Victory ( The real name and email are withheld, and the person offered no handle. )

The original opinion article she is talking about, is here: Purple Nose? Purple Lip? Oh, Purple Heart. ( 5-7-99 ) .

I would advise him to keep his head down. Thanx for the note. - Bongo.

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Nuclear Reactions?
Updated ( 6-25-99 )
(c)1999 Victory.