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The 40 Million Dollar Man

Ah yes, it's hot and muggy in Washington, D.C.; the birds are singing, the President is groping, and Congress is getting ready to consider an almost certain indictment for impeachment.

Let's see if I've got Clinton's 'confession' straight...he DID have an 'inappropriate relationship' with Lewinsky. But he DIDN'T lie under oath in the Paula Jones case when he said he didn't have a sexual relationship with her. He says he was simply withholding information...which indicates he knowingly did not tell the complete story to the jury while *under oath*. Last I looked, folks, that's perjury. Remember, Bill, that part about swearing to tell 'the truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the truth' [the emphasis is mine]? Or was your oath at Paula Jones' trial different from that taken by every other citizen of the United States when giving testimony in the judicial system? Perhaps it was, 'I swear to say whatever the hell I want, without regard to the American public and without fear of retribution'?

He then proceeded to show his 'remorse' by blaming the seven month long and reported seven-and-a-half million dollar (and growing) investigation, on Ken Starr! How much of the approximately 40 million dollars spent investigating Clinton since 1992 could have been saved if he had been forthright, instead of circling the wagons?

Now let me get this straight...Clinton lied to the American public about his relationship with Lewinsky and could have ended that part of Starr's investigation at any time during those seven months, but didn't do it until Starr had summoned him to testify before a grand jury. Hmmm...that fish smells a few months old to me. Just about seven, as a matter of fact.

So Clinton knowingly hid behind the office of the Presidency, misleading even the true believers who loyally defended and asserted with absolute confidence (instilled in them by Clinton) that he had never been inappropriately involved with Monica Lewinsky. Ahhh, but he 'never told anyone to lie.' Sort of like his going through hypothetical scenarios with Lewinsky should she be asked if she had been involved with him. Slimy in the extreme.

And this is the man that's going to try to rebuild his life with Hillary and Chelsea? If I were either of them, I wouldn't trust the John in Chief as far as he can shoot his stream of bodily fluids! (And don't stand in the line of fire...)

It's about time the American public got to hear the truth, and well past time that Slick Willie got indicted for his nefarious deeds. Remember Mike Espy and Tyson Chicken, and the allegation of a $10,000 bribe to then-Governor Clinton (to which Tyson pled guilty to one count of offering a gratuity in return for no further prosecution, and Clinton walked away scot-free)?

Either we have to believe that there is a grand, sweeping right-wing conspiracy dead set on the character assassination of Clinton, including, among others, Ken Starr and his entire staff, Monica Lewinsky, Monica's mother, Paula Jones, Linda Tripp, Gennifer Flowers, Tyson Chicken, the media, and many others, including a multitude of women claiming harassment of one sort or another, or Clinton is a sleaze who keeps his staff busy doing spin control because they don't dare let word leak about his lack of morals. Somehow, I believe the latter. And so does a large part of the wide world.

- The Watcher (So what's it gonna be, Bill? Resignation or impeachment?)

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Nuclear Reactions?

Updated ( 8-18-98 )
(c)1998 The Watcher.