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Make War Not Love ?

Why is it more important for people under 18 years old to NOT see pictures of naked adults on the internet, than it is to protect those people under 18 years old from images of violence?

I guess the politicians would rather have people shooting at them, than have interns going down on them.

The first gets you the sympathy vote, the second gets you impeached by the opposing political party.

Like any one believes that their elected officials don't put their favorite squeeze toy on their payroll.

CDA (Communications Decency Act), COPA (Child Online Protection Act), ... Don't the politicians realize that when they are trying to pass stupid laws, it reflects badly on themselves?

I guess not.

Most politicians don't seem bright enough to have figured out that the internet is not just a local American information and communication tool. Most politicians don't seem bright enough to have figured out that they can't enforce American laws on web servers residing in foreign countries. Most politicians don't seem bright enough to have figured out that by posting the transcripts of the Clinton hearings on the official government web sites, they are actually breaking the laws they are trying to pass. Or maybe, the politicians think they are immune to these (and all other) laws. After all, they don't seem to mind accepting bribes to act against the best interests of the people that voted to elect them.

Maybe that is why most people don't vote.

-The Cynical Optimist

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Nuclear Reactions?

Updated ( 2-19-99 )
(c)1999 The Cynical Optimist.