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Killer Kerrey

( or; Kerrey = Calley? )

Democrat Senator Bob Kerrey is a murdering monster. The RAT didn't admit that one night back in Vietnam he and his Navy Seal unit killed dozens of innocent women and children, and he falsified a report or didn't correct the record, which caused him to receive the Bronze Star medal for his despicable actions. He only now goes public, after decades of silence, on the eve of a 60 Minutes II report about the terrible war crime!

Bob Kerrey is a lying, deceiving hipocrit, and has dishonored the United States military, as when he was a member of Veterans Against The War, he made a big deal in a ceremony about throwing away his Bronze Star and Medal of Honor. Now, according to Morton Kondracke he did not in fact throw his own medals away that fateful day!

In an interview with Tom Brokaw, as partisan as a liberal Democrat can get, Kerrey addressed the accusations by a member of his team that they rounded up the civilians and executed them. Kerrey arrogantly replied to Brokaw's question on this part of the massacre, " This is not even on my list of concerns "? In the same interview, Kerrey actually admitted that his squad shot many of these helpless unarmed civilians before any shots had been fired at them at all?


How many more MURDERING MONSTERS are lurking in the dark depths of the membership of the Democrat National Committee?

Let us all be quite clear about this so-called heroic event which earned Kerrey the Bronze Star Medal. Only civilians were killed and no weapons were recovered, though the record falsely states there were. This was not an airman dropping bombs from above causing collateral civilian casualties, but a soldier shooting individual human targets, in this case unarmed women and children, directly with small arms fire!

GOP Senator Chuck Hagel says, " Kerrey shouldn't be held responsible for something he was ordered to do ". This reeks of the World War II Nuremburg Nazi War Crimes trial excuse du'jour of I WAS ONLY FOLLOWING ORDERS!


Hiding behind excuses and lies like, " free fire zone ", Kerrey arrogantly misleads, " We received fire and we returned it "? Huh? He admitted to Brokaw that they killed some unarmed civilians before receiving any fire. SMILE LIKE A REPTILE YOU KILLER!

Whatever you want to believe about the massacre of unarmed civilians Bob Kerrey participated in that night, or whether or not you chose to forgive him; BOB KERREY RECEIVED THE BRONZE STAR MEDAL FOR KILLING UNARMED VIETNAMESE CIVILIANS!

Kerrey further whimpers, " I came home and protested the war ". He conveniently leaves out that he pretended to throw away his medals during one of these so-called protests!

The liberal news media continues to repeat the misleading lie about Kerrey's unit receiving fire and returning it. This may have been the case, but Kerrey himself admitted killing civilians before any fire was received. This wholesale rationalization of Kerrey's killing by the forces of the left in the mass media only sours me further and sickens me to the bone!

No matter how you feel about the horrors of war, especially a guerilla war in the jungle, a man like Kerrey who hides his past and serves in the United States Senate when he knows darn well that he could not have been elected to the office of toilet attendant if people knew what he did and didn't do; THIS MAN MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE IN THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION, at the very least!

This deeply sick individual didn't have the integrity to refuse the Bronze Star or correct the record to reflect his possible commission of a war crime, not unlike those we know Hitler's forces of evil did in World War II on a much more grand scale and liberals like to whine that the Serbs did recently in Kosovo. This poor excuse for a human being does not deserve any of our pity, but all of our scorn!

- Bongo ( Wave your white flag? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

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Updated ( 4-26-2001 )
(c)2001 Bongo.

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