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Goodie Goodie

Nothing Great

Not that I care very much, except maybe they'll be a better chance of peace with the towel-heads with Barak at the helm in Israel than there was with Netanyaho (sic). The downside is that early settlement with Yessir You're-a-fart could start increased blabber about Bubba's bid for a Nobel Prize. Do you really think the otherwise sane Norwegians could be that silly?

Clinton's poll-driven, p.r. motivated war goes on and on. Not that he had an over abundance to begin with, despite claims to the contrary, I think Monica must have sucked out his brains, too. I'm going to send to Gen. Clark, at NATO Hdqs, my map of downtown Belgrade. It's right out of the Atlas I bought at the supermarket, and it sure as hell is more accurate than his.

The more the team in DC screws up, the more difficult it will be for the Witch of Washington to make inroads on her carpetbagging campaign in NY.

Have you heard the leaks from Hilary's campaign hdqs about possible slogans for the campaign in NY? Unbelievable. One I recall is "Bill deserted her. Don't you!" It reads as horrible syntax, but spoken it's understandable. You should hear the liberal media back here having broadcast orgasms over her every move and statement. God help us, especially the people in Noo Yawk.

--Bulldog ( The slogan around downtown Tel Aviv these days is: Bye-Bye, Bebe, Baby. )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Nuclear Reactions?
Updated ( 5-20-99 )
(c)1999 Bulldog.