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The World's First Clintonspeak-English Dictionary *V-X*

Ever hear the one about the president and the farmer's daughter?


Vacuum: Place where ethics should have been.

Vacuum Cleaner: Best BJ you ever had.

Vagueness: Self-defense.

Vapor Trail: Visible proof of your passage.

Variable: Whatever you say.

Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy: Liberal conspiracy's vain attempt at disinformation.

Vaudeville: You give it new meaning.

Velcro Fly: Easy-access ventilation.

Vengeance: Salve for humiliation.

Ventriloquism: White House Talking Points.

Venture Capital: Campaign contribution.

Verbatim: The way talking heads defended you.

Verdict: Foregone (or fixed) conclusion.

Verification: (1) That thing you lost when you pulled UNSCOM from Iraq. (2) What your 'factual defense' lacked.

Vested Interests: Naked corruption.

Veteran: Can't explain that one to you, either.

Veto: Services rendered.

Viagra: Oh, no...don't get near it!

Vibrato: Great new trick Monica learned.

Vice: (1) Your administration's greatest contributions. (2) Without, or instead of: vice ethics, vice restraint, vice a chance, Vice-President.

Vice Versa: What your defense really boiled down to.

Vicious Circle: White House counsel, including you.

Video: Could have paid your legal fees...or was that redacted?

Vigorous Denial: (1) Protesting too much. (2) What you've apparently suffered from throughout the impeachment process.

Vilification: Backspin.

Villainy: Opposition.

Volume: Substitute for truth.

Vote: Stormclouds on the horizon.

Voter: (Very) distant cousin.

Vulture: Endangered species in Washington.


Wafting: Don't worry, the stench will knock you over.

Waiver of the Constitution: The final vote on removal.

Walkout: House Democrat's tool of obfuscation.

War Cry: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky."

War Games: Iraq, Kosovo.

Washington, D.C.: Babel.

Wedlock: You've got the key...

Weird: The number of people associated with your administration that have died.

Western Style: Sunset quickie.

Whim: Law.

Whipping: Keepin' the dogs in line.

Whipping Boy: You da MAN!

Whispering Campaign: Democratic impeachment speeches.

White House Talking Points: (1)The Democrat manifesto; (2) The talking head's Bible.

Whitewash: Gleaming especially brightly from Washington buildings this winter.

Whitewater: Dirty laundry.

Wide Load: The pile that has been dumped on the American public.

Wiggle Room: The hallway adjoining the Oval Office.

Willing Suspension of Disbelief: Democratic Senator's refuge?

Wishful Thinking: Calling a neo-IRA account a tax cut.

Witness: Campaign cost.

Wordplay: Survival skill.

Worshiper: Democrat.

Wounded Duck: You've gone far beyond lameness.

Wrath of Clod: Elephant hunting.


X-Files: The database of 900 FBI files found in the wrong hands.

X-Rated: What the Presidency has come to be.

X-Ray Sunglasses: One of the gifts Monica gave you.

Xanadu: The White House.

Xerox: Unofficial sponsor of the White House Talking Points memos.

-The Watcher (Strange bedfellows indeed...)

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Nuclear Reactions?

Updated ( 2-22-99 )
(c)1999 The Watcher.