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Usually I don't just post these remarks, but I am amazed.

I agree with your page 100%!! My brother is a soldier in the US Army. He too is disgusted. The 3 boys were lost due to ignorance, he told me that his unit had a discussion about what happened. This is what was said:

1) They were not where they were supposed to BE! They were lost and apparently did not know how to USE A COMPASS!!

2) They were ARMED, they saw them coming (6 of them) and did not fire, no THEY DID NOT FIRE..then when approached they were told to SURRENDER their WEAPONS, which they did, but THEN WHEN ASKED to get out of the VEHICLE..OH NO,they couldn't do that,no they give up there weapons but not get out of truck..My brother said the bruises we all saw on CNN were from the fight of being pulled from the truck!

I am SO disgusted! And believe me, I have sent email to each of these SO-CALLED soldiers and let them know just how pathetic I think they are!!

A purple heart for a few cuts and bruises?? What is this world coming too??

-- A PROUD American

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Nuclear Reactions?
Updated ( 6-26-99 )
(c)1999 A PROUD American.